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“Alsig” has created an extraordinary performance in the management security for spectacle, events, show, concerts or other cultural activities in closed or open surroundings taken place in Albania.

This service is performed with the engagement of professionals staff of “Alsig” bodyguards.

In this service are included: 

  • Physical analysis of open or closed objects where will take place an activity and the definition of security measurements.
  • A contemporary VIP close protection service.
  • Installation of control camera system in the objects entrance.
  • Disciplining of crowd movements through installation of metallic guide in case of need.
  • Monitoring and registration through DVR system of the ticketing control process and the entire security situation.
  • Anti -Explosive control in open or closed place where will take place cultural events. Control is performed by Anti-Explosive staff of “Alsig” company, equipped with the best specialists of this field, also with anti-explosive dogs and other necessary equipments for this service.