Security management for stadiums and sportive centers

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Also our company, for the first time, has created a unique and rare performance in the entrance managing of the football fun crowd in our country main stadiums like Shkodra, Elbasani, Durresi ecc.where there has been implemented a new concept of entrance crowd managing, with a new organizing system of forces, the implementation of the cameras in the entrances, and the disciplining of the crowd movement through guiding object installation.

In this service are included:

  • Stadiums and Sportive Centers Physical Security Analysis and the measurements plan compilation to increase the security standards.
  • New forces organization system.
  • The camera control system installation at the stadium entrances.
  • Soccer Fun Crowd disciplining movement through installation of metallic guide objects.
  • Monitoring and registration through the DVR system of the ticket control process.
  • Anti -Explosive control in the stadiums and sportive centers where will take place several events. Control is performed by Anti-Explosive staff of “Alsig” company, equipped with the best specialists of this field, also with anti-explosive dogs and other necessary equipments for this service.

All these measurements proved to be successful in increasing the sports club revenue, due to the new management of soccer fun crowd entrance and ticket control.